Monday, May 5, 2008

5-4-08 Weekend at home with nothing to do

This weekend we hung out at home with nothing to do. I really don't think that I have had many of those since I have been born. In fact, on Saturday, I barely got out of my jammies. I took a bath and back in them I went.

On Sunday, we got up, went to church and then we went for a long walk in the stoller. It was a really nice day. Mommy and Daddy took a lot of pictures of me discovering flowers, trees, and grass. Wow! Those things are pretty cool.

I haven't been sleeping very well. I have been waking up in the night with a cough. I went to the doctor last week and the doctor said that my lungs were clear (not sure where my lungs are, but Mommy and Daddy were sure glad to hear that) and they said that the cough is the last to leave after a cold. I wish it would go away.

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