Tuesday, January 29, 2008

1-27-08 Fun weekend with Grandpa and Grandma Dunn

Grandpa and Grandma Dunn came to visit me on Thursday and stayed until Monday. We had so much fun together. Grandma brought me a whole bunch of clothes and some other goodies. They got to see me jump in my jumperoo and Grandpa kept saying, "I hope that he doesn't break that thing." He couldn't believe how hard I was jumping. They had a fun time trying to get me to laugh too. On Saturday night they got to spend one-on-one time with me while Mommy and Daddy went out on a date. Just like Grandma predicted, they left for their date at 5:30 and they had already called to see what I was doing by 7:00. When they got home, they even had a treat for me.

I wish that I lived closer to Grandma and Grandpa, but with all of the pictures and videos Mommy and Daddy take of me, it makes it easier. They are very special.

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