Tuesday, November 20, 2007

11-20-07 Two-month doctor appointment

Today Mommy took me to my two-month doctor appointment. I am now a blooming 13 lbs. 1 oz. and 23.5 inches long. They said that I was reaching all of my developmental milestones too. I also had to get some of my immunizations today. There were three different shots which they gave me in my legs and one oral one. They really hurt and I cried really hard. I did one of those cries where no sound comes out. The rest of today I haven't felt the best but Mommy and Daddy have been holding me all night tonight which is helping make me feel better. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

1 comment:

Granny J. said...

Oh, honey, Granny J. wishes you to feel better really fast. Soon those nasty shots will be all over with. We would never want you to get a desease....I love you, you precious thing.
Granny J.