Wednesday, August 27, 2008

8-27-08 First Words

The past few days I have been making a habit of saying my first distinct words. I consistently say "da" and "mom" and "mama". Today though, I had another first word. It goes like this...Mom, Da, and I were driving in the car to Iowa City this morning. They were talking about all of this politics stuff. I decided that I wanted to contribute and so piped up with "Barack". Well, I don't know if I really meant to say that, but as long as they think that I did, I will let them believe that.. Shhh, don't tell!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

8-26-08 Little G-Man going like a mad man

As fast as Grayson goes when he is pushing his walker it is a good thing that Troy and I aren't in a nursing home and need him to push us in a wheel chair.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

8-15-08 My first haircut

Grandma Dunn gave me my first haircut. She cut my bangs and trimmed the rest. I look pretty good, if I don't say so myself!!

8-15-08 Me in Grandma and Grandpa's yard

This is just a picture of me in Grandma and Grandpa Dunn's back yard.

8-18-08 Trip to Atkinson in NE

This last weekend we made our summer trip to see Papa and Nana Dunn in Atkinson. It was my Uncle Mitchell's birthday so we surprised him with a party. I also got to spend time with my Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Henry and Cousins Caden and Carter too. We had a lot of fun now that I can walk around all by myself. We came back on Monday. It was a long trip (over 8 hours) but I did really good. I watched my video and Mommy read me lots of books while Daddy drove.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

8-06-08 I am now a walker without help

I can now trot around the house with both of my hands free of my walker. I still prefer the walker, but I am now able to work it out both ways. I hope you can see the video of me. It is a little dark