Monday, July 28, 2008
7-26-08 Hanging out with my friends
On Saturday we went to our friends in LeClaire. I got to hang out with Davis, Jack, and my new friend Rylan. Rylan is only a few weeks old, Jack is 5 months, and Davis is 3. Davis had a walking cart just like mine. We had a blast.
7-25-08 Ragbrai in Tipton
Friday, July 25, 2008
7-15-07 I am 10 Months
On July 15th, I was 10 months old. I am really trucking around the house now. I am working on walking without the help of my walker. I will take 2-3 steps and then I just decide that it is easier to crawl. I am really good at going up the stairs (fast) too, but I still haven't mastered going back down. I can show you "how big" I am and I love to clap my hands and yell "yeh". Recently I started to not like the baby food so much anymore. I am getting so much better at eating "big people" food that the other isn't as appealing anymore. I have tried lots of new things (pineapple, salsa, tacos, hamburger, hotdogs, greenbean casserole etc) and like most everything. I am also starting to be a big helper. One of my favorite jobs is to help clean my bottles. It is so much fun playing in that water.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
7-13-08 A few days with Mommy all to myself
Daddy left on Wednesday to go to Denver to see Uncle Rusty. That left Mommy and me at home all by ourselves. We were really busy. On Thursday, Mommy took me to the doctor because I had some kind of rash on me. It didn't seem to bother me too bad, but Mommy thought that it looked horrible. The doctor said that I had a "hypersensitivity reaction" to something. I don't know what it is, but Mommy and Molly are trying to figure it out. Today, Mommy and I just hung out at home. I got to play in Mommy's tupperware lid drawer. Boy, that was fun. I found just the right lid and then I carried it around the rest of the day. I also learned today to show Mommy that I am "so big". One time I put my arms so high into the air that I fell over backwards. I am really excited to see Daddy. I have talked to him on the phone, but I can't wait to see him and get all those hugs and kisses from him.
7-4-08 Fourth of July
I spent the 4th of July in Lincoln. We went to my Aunt Amber's house for lunch. We had water fights and played in the water. It was a lot of fun, but I got really wet. After that, we went out to see Great Grandma. She sure loves to try to hold me, but I don't like to be tied down too long. After that we went to see fireworks. They were really pretty but by that time of night I was sooooo tired that I just had to call it a night.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
7-1-08 A strange dot on the floor
I found a strange dot on the floor in the livingroom and so I had to investigate it. I tried to pick it up, scratch it, and hit it, but I couldn't get a hold of it. Then all of a sudden it went away. Then it came back. Finally I learned that it was a sun spot coming through Mommy's window. I guess you learn something everyday.
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