Friday, June 27, 2008

6-23-08 Grandma and Grandpa Dunn came to visit

This week Grandma and Grandpa Dunn came to visit me. Grandma is staying with me all week because my daycare provider is on vacation. We are having so much fun. I think that I am wearing them out though. I am very busy. Grandma taught me how to imitate her coughing and how to give big kisses.

6-16-08 Chicago Again

I went to Chicago with Mommy and Daddy this week. We left on Monday and came home on Thursday. Daddy had meetings there all week. On most of the days Mommy and I just hung out in the hotel room or went walking around down town Chicago. We went in lots of stores and when we got back to the hotel I was always really tired. Daddy also took me swimming for the first time in a big swimming pool. It was really fun except the life jacket that they put on me made it hard for me to turn my head. On the last day there we went to the Navy Pier. That was pretty cool too. Someday I am going to go for a ride on one of those boats.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

6-15-08 Flooding in Iowa

We have had terrible flooding in Iowa. The water is everywhere in Iowa City, Coralville, and Cedar Rapids. I can't believe it when I see big signs for businesses that are almost covered with water. The water in Iowa City is 32 feet above the flood level. The interstate is closed and all of the bridges in Cedar County are closed too so we can't even get to Iowa City if we wanted. That is pretty crazy, if you ask me.

6-15-08 Father's Day

Today is Daddy's first Father's Day. What a big day for him. We didn't do a whole lot today because we are going to go with Daddy on his business trip this week. We decided we would try to do something then. I did get Daddy a really special picture. Mommy had one of her friends (Molly P) paint a water color picture of me. It turned out really well and he was really surprised.

6-15-08 Nine Months Old

Today I am nine months old. I am everywhere and trying to get into everything that I see. I also crawl really fast now, pull myself up on everything and I am trying to learn to walk behind my walker. I get mad and sit down and cry though when I run into something with my walker. Although I am getting better at getting it to go where I want. I can't wait until I can walk all on my own. I have also learned to point at things. I am excited for the summer to play outside. I will write more later.

Stats at 9 months:
Weight - 23.98 lb (92%)
Height - 29.13 in (77%)
Head Circumference - 19.69 (>97%)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

6-8-08 Grandma Johnson, Tierra, and Zander came to visit

Grandma Johnson, Tierra, and Zander came to visit this weekend. I was a little bit scared when I first saw them and I cried just a little bit. Mostly I just stared at them and tried to figure out who these new people were in my house. Yesterday we went shopping and I rode on the carousel. Grandma bought me lots of jammies. Today we are just hanging out at home. It is raining and I am a little bit crabby, but I am having lots of fun playing with my cousins!

6-7-08 Riding on the carousel at the mall

Today Daddy took me on the carousel at the mall. That was so much fun. I just screamed and screamed. I didn't want it to stop.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

6-5-08 My First Steps

Tonight I took my first steps. Mommy and Daddy were sitting on the couch and I decided to get up and walk across the floor with my little push wheeler. I think they were pretty surprised. Wow! I am pretty good!