Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
5-26-08 I can pull myself up now
Tonight I pulled myself up in the crib. I am such a big boy and thought that I was sooooo cool. I will post a picture soon.
5-26-08 I love Mommy's cell phone
Step 2: Mommy takes the phone away. I am getting mad.
I absolutely love Mommy's cell phone, especially when I get to talk to my grandparents on it. Mommy puts them on speaker phone and then I can hear them talk. I like to hold the phone too. I like to push the buttons but sometimes I hang up on people. When Mommy takes the phone away, I usually cry...hard.
5-26-08 Introducing solid foods...not going so well...
I am not too keen on this whole solid food thing. It makes me want to throw up. I would rather stick with the runny stuff!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
5-15-08 Eight Months old today
On May 15, I turned 8 months old. I am learning so much now that I can crawl. I am keeping Mommy and Daddy very busy. Mommy is trying to give me foods that are not all soupy like I like them. For example, she gave me a slice of a peach and a piece of banana. It was pretty gross. I like it when I don't have to chew anything...just swallow. I mean really, I don't know what she expects, I only have two teeth!
Besides crawling, I can pull myself up on the furniture onto my knees. I am trying to stand all the way up on my legs, but I just haven't gotten there yet. I have taken a few tumbles trying, but haven't gotten hurt too bad yet. Mommy and Daddy covered up all of the furniture with blankets so that if I would hit my head on something I won't hurt myself too bad. I still do a lot of talking. My favorite is "da-da-da".
I have had a few colds this spring. They are not very fun. I get a runny nose and a cough. What is the worse is when Mommy and Daddy have to wipe my nose. I think now I am finally feeling much better.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
5-11-08 Happy Mother's Day to Mommy
Today was Mommy's first Mother's Day. Daddy and I worked very hard trying to make it special. I took her breakfast in bed and gave her a canvas picture of me. She loved it. Today I was Mommy's boy. I wanted to be held just by her. Tomorrow I will be back to trading between the both of them. That seems to work well for me. If one says "no" maybe the other one will say "yes". Happy Mother's Day, Mommy!
Saturday, May 10, 2008
5-10-08 Special kisses from the bride and groom
Today I got to go to my first wedding. My very special daycare provider, Molly, and her new husband, Max, gave me big kisses. Molly looked so pretty. At the reception there was music and I got to see Molly and Max dance. It was so much fun. When we left, I was really tired and I was asleep in the car almost before we got out of the parking lot. Whew! What a fun day!
Monday, May 5, 2008
5-4-08 Weekend at home with nothing to do
This weekend we hung out at home with nothing to do. I really don't think that I have had many of those since I have been born. In fact, on Saturday, I barely got out of my jammies. I took a bath and back in them I went.
On Sunday, we got up, went to church and then we went for a long walk in the stoller. It was a really nice day. Mommy and Daddy took a lot of pictures of me discovering flowers, trees, and grass. Wow! Those things are pretty cool.
I haven't been sleeping very well. I have been waking up in the night with a cough. I went to the doctor last week and the doctor said that my lungs were clear (not sure where my lungs are, but Mommy and Daddy were sure glad to hear that) and they said that the cough is the last to leave after a cold. I wish it would go away.
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