Monday, November 26, 2007

11-26-07 Me in my Bumpo

Grandma Johnson bought me a Bumpo seat. I now have good enough head support to be able to sit in it. So, now I have my own little chair.

11-23-07 My Aunt Amber and Cousins came to visit

On Friday, my aunt Amber and cousins, Skyler, Tierra, and Zander came to visit. They were here until Sunday. We had a great time just hanging out mostly around the house. I was like a little beach ball getting passed from one set of hands to another. It was fun getting all of that attention. Aunt Amber was good at making me smile and Tierra and Skyler were really good at walking me around the house. Zander even brought me my own cell phone. Thanks for coming to visit!

11-22-07 My First Thanksgiving

I celebrated my first Thanksgiving in the Quad Cities with our friends, Dan and Melody and their son Davis. We had a really nice time and everybody left there stuffed except me. I stuck on my diet of formula every 3 hours or so. I did miss celebrating the day with my grandparents and cousins, but Mom and Dad said that we will be seeing them soon at Christmas. We talked to them on the phone, but it just didn't seem to be the same.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

11-20-07 Two-month doctor appointment

Today Mommy took me to my two-month doctor appointment. I am now a blooming 13 lbs. 1 oz. and 23.5 inches long. They said that I was reaching all of my developmental milestones too. I also had to get some of my immunizations today. There were three different shots which they gave me in my legs and one oral one. They really hurt and I cried really hard. I did one of those cries where no sound comes out. The rest of today I haven't felt the best but Mommy and Daddy have been holding me all night tonight which is helping make me feel better. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Monday, November 19, 2007

11-19-07 Sunday Football

Ahhh, just what I wanted...get up, kick back in my bouncy seat and enjoy a day of football.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

11-15-07 Two-Months old today

I have learned so much in the past two months. I have learned to read, ride a bike, and talk on the telephone. Just kidding. I have learned to hold my head up longer, smile, bat at my toys, coo with intonation, watch facial expressions, listen to voices, grasp objects, suck on my hands and wrap my parents around my fingers. Life is good...

Weight - 13.05 lb (78%)
Height - 23.50 in (70%)
Head Circumference - 16.34 in (82%)

Aunt Carla and Cousin Meghan

I had more visitors this week. My Aunt Carla and Cousin Meghan came to see me. They were really excited to see me. They both held me and fed me a lot. Aunt Carla was especially good at getting me to burp and Cousin Meghan was great at getting me to laugh.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

11-13-07 My hands

Today I found my hands. I have been sucking on something, but I didn't realize that they were my hands. I just can't stop looking at them.

11-10-07 My Uncle Rusty

Today, Mommy and Daddy took me on my first trip to Chicago to see my uncle Rusty and meet his girlfriend, Danielle. She was really nice. Uncle Rusty was surprised how much I have changed since I was born. I stayed in a hotel and then went to downtown Chicago. The buildings in Chicago were a lot taller than the buildings in Iowa.

11-10-07 My cousin Skyler

Today I got to see my cousin Skyler. She was in Iowa with her best friend, Molly, and Molly's parents. They went to a concert that Molly's sister, Kayla, sang in. Skyler was great. I only got to see her a little bit, but she did feed me my bottle and gave me lots of kisses.

11-9-07 Grandma and Grandpa Dunn

I had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa Dunn. They both took care of me and Grandma even got up with me at night so that Mommy could sleep. They held me a lot and I smiled a lot at them. I really love them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

11-07-07 Grandpa and Grandma are here

Yesterday afternoon Grandpa and Grandma Dunn arrived to visit. They were really suprised how much I had grown since they last saw me at the end of September. They just keep looking at me and giving me lots of hugs and kisses. I am not sure what we plan to do while they are here, but for now they seem pretty satisfied just being with me. I am glad because I love being around them too.

Friday, November 2, 2007

11-2-07 Sign Language

I am learning sign language and I am smiling because you have no idea what I am signing!!