Thursday, December 20, 2007

12-20-07 Wishing you all a Merry Christmas

Just in case I don't get to get on the computer when I get to Nebraska, I wanted to post a wish that everybody has a Merry Christmas! I can't wait for my first Christmas and for Santa to come!

12-20-07 A sledding back to Nebraska I will go!

Today we are going to head back to Nebraska. We will be in Lincoln until next Wednesday and then in Atkinson until the following Sunday. I don't know if I am looking forward to the trip (even though Mommy and Daddy bought me a portable DVD player and a bunch of Baby Einstein DVDs). I guess I have to look forward to all of the fun I will have when I get to my destinations. I don't know if I will go sledding back to Nebraska or ride in the car with Mommy and Daddy. The sledding was pretty fun!

12-20-07 I rolled over today!

Today, Mommy put me on the floor on my tummy for "tummy time" and I decided that since I don't like tummy time that I would fix it. So, I rolled over onto my back. I couldn't believe it when it happened. It was a lot of fun. Mommy tried to get me to do it again when Daddy got home but I decided that I would wait and show him when he least expects it.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

12-18-07 Three months old and already know exactly what I want

I am now three-months old and have learned ways to express exactly what I want. When Mommy or Daddy try to put me in my swing or bouncy seat and I don't want to be there, I just stiffen up my body and won't let them sit me in there. For example, the other day Daddy tried to put me in my swing and I didn't want to be in there so I just I stiffened up my body and wha-la he had to keep holding me. Daddy said when I did that it was like he was trying to put a pizza box in the swing. Sweet! It works!

I also hate going to sleep. I try really hard to fight it. Even though I am really tired and crabby, I just don't want to miss anything. In fact, if I accidently start to fade to sleep, I often catch myself and try to wake myself back up by shaking my head. Also, stiffening the body in these situations seems to help as well!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

12-15-07 I am Three months old today and growing!

Wow! I am three months old today. I can't hardly believe it. Time is just flying in this place they call the "real world." I continue to grow and learn things everyday. The newest things that I have learned is how to squeel and laugh outloud. I was so surpised when those sounds came out of me. Now I am having so much fun talking. Mom has also been playing "big boy" with me. I sit down on the changing table and then when I stand up, she says "big boy". It is a fun game. My legs are now strong enough to hold me up for quite a while. I just wish I could learn to move them like I see other people do so that I could go just where I wanted all by myself. I will really give Mom and Dad a run for their money. I already have a list of places in the house that I want to check out. I am sure that nothing in the house will be off limits (especially with Dad) I am not sure if Dad will be able to say the word "no" to me or not? Time will tell and I will keep you updated.
Weight - 14.87 lb (68%)
Height - 25.51 in (85%)

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

12-11-07 My new friend

I have a new friend. He is called Woobie. I got it from Grandma and Grandpa Dunn. I love snuggling with it especially on cold icy and snowy days like today. What makes this day really great though is that Daddy didn't have to go into work because of the icy roads. He still has to work from home, but I am at least glad to have him here.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

12-7-07 Grandma Johnson

Grandma Johnson came to visit and spend time with me all this past week. Mommy had to work this week so it was nice to have just "Grandma and Grayson time." We did a lot together. I was very busy kicking and playing with my toys and she watched me.

Ths week Mommy and Daddy also put me back into my pack-n-play to sleep at night rather than sleeping in my bouncy seat. It was nice to stretch out and my acid reflux didn't even bother me. Speaking of sleeping, I am now only getting up once a night. I usually go to bed between 9:00 and 10:00 pm and then get up anywhere between 6:30 and 8:00 in the morning. That is pretty good, if I don't say so myself!!!

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

12-4-07 Giddy Up!

Grandma Johnson came to visit me this week and babysit while Mommy went to work (she only has to work part of this week and then doesn't have to go back until Jan 2--Yeh!!). She brought me this great cowboy/sheriff's hat. I am so cool in it.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

11-30-07 Welcome to the World Cousin Carter

Today my Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Henry had a baby boy. His name is Carter Joseph. He weighed 7 lb and 14 oz and was 19 inches long. I can't wait to see my cousin and meet him. We are going to grow up together and have so much fun.

Monday, November 26, 2007

11-26-07 Me in my Bumpo

Grandma Johnson bought me a Bumpo seat. I now have good enough head support to be able to sit in it. So, now I have my own little chair.

11-23-07 My Aunt Amber and Cousins came to visit

On Friday, my aunt Amber and cousins, Skyler, Tierra, and Zander came to visit. They were here until Sunday. We had a great time just hanging out mostly around the house. I was like a little beach ball getting passed from one set of hands to another. It was fun getting all of that attention. Aunt Amber was good at making me smile and Tierra and Skyler were really good at walking me around the house. Zander even brought me my own cell phone. Thanks for coming to visit!

11-22-07 My First Thanksgiving

I celebrated my first Thanksgiving in the Quad Cities with our friends, Dan and Melody and their son Davis. We had a really nice time and everybody left there stuffed except me. I stuck on my diet of formula every 3 hours or so. I did miss celebrating the day with my grandparents and cousins, but Mom and Dad said that we will be seeing them soon at Christmas. We talked to them on the phone, but it just didn't seem to be the same.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

11-20-07 Two-month doctor appointment

Today Mommy took me to my two-month doctor appointment. I am now a blooming 13 lbs. 1 oz. and 23.5 inches long. They said that I was reaching all of my developmental milestones too. I also had to get some of my immunizations today. There were three different shots which they gave me in my legs and one oral one. They really hurt and I cried really hard. I did one of those cries where no sound comes out. The rest of today I haven't felt the best but Mommy and Daddy have been holding me all night tonight which is helping make me feel better. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Monday, November 19, 2007

11-19-07 Sunday Football

Ahhh, just what I wanted...get up, kick back in my bouncy seat and enjoy a day of football.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

11-15-07 Two-Months old today

I have learned so much in the past two months. I have learned to read, ride a bike, and talk on the telephone. Just kidding. I have learned to hold my head up longer, smile, bat at my toys, coo with intonation, watch facial expressions, listen to voices, grasp objects, suck on my hands and wrap my parents around my fingers. Life is good...

Weight - 13.05 lb (78%)
Height - 23.50 in (70%)
Head Circumference - 16.34 in (82%)

Aunt Carla and Cousin Meghan

I had more visitors this week. My Aunt Carla and Cousin Meghan came to see me. They were really excited to see me. They both held me and fed me a lot. Aunt Carla was especially good at getting me to burp and Cousin Meghan was great at getting me to laugh.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

11-13-07 My hands

Today I found my hands. I have been sucking on something, but I didn't realize that they were my hands. I just can't stop looking at them.

11-10-07 My Uncle Rusty

Today, Mommy and Daddy took me on my first trip to Chicago to see my uncle Rusty and meet his girlfriend, Danielle. She was really nice. Uncle Rusty was surprised how much I have changed since I was born. I stayed in a hotel and then went to downtown Chicago. The buildings in Chicago were a lot taller than the buildings in Iowa.

11-10-07 My cousin Skyler

Today I got to see my cousin Skyler. She was in Iowa with her best friend, Molly, and Molly's parents. They went to a concert that Molly's sister, Kayla, sang in. Skyler was great. I only got to see her a little bit, but she did feed me my bottle and gave me lots of kisses.

11-9-07 Grandma and Grandpa Dunn

I had a great time with Grandma and Grandpa Dunn. They both took care of me and Grandma even got up with me at night so that Mommy could sleep. They held me a lot and I smiled a lot at them. I really love them.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

11-07-07 Grandpa and Grandma are here

Yesterday afternoon Grandpa and Grandma Dunn arrived to visit. They were really suprised how much I had grown since they last saw me at the end of September. They just keep looking at me and giving me lots of hugs and kisses. I am not sure what we plan to do while they are here, but for now they seem pretty satisfied just being with me. I am glad because I love being around them too.

Friday, November 2, 2007

11-2-07 Sign Language

I am learning sign language and I am smiling because you have no idea what I am signing!!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Today was my first Halloween. It wasn't as scary as I thought that it was going to be. Mom and I just pretty much hung out together and handed out candy to the other kids. Dad was at class.

Today I did find a toy on my Baby Einstein floor jungle gym and I learned to play with it. I don't know why I didn't play with this toy before because it was a lot of fun. Mommy says that this toy has been there since I started playing in the jungle gym and that I just didn't notice it. I think that she just put it there and is trying to trick me.....

Sunday, October 28, 2007

10-28-07 It is Daddy's Birthday today

Today was Daddy's birthday. I got him a Star Wars Transformer and another gift that he doesn't know about yet. We didn't do a whole lot today except drove to some place called the Coralville Dam so that they could take pictures of me. Yep, just as it should be...even Daddy's birthday focuses around me!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2007

10-27-07 Today we suprised Daddy

Today Mommy and I surprised Daddy for his birthday tomorrow and we invited some of our friends out to watch the Nebraska/Texas game. I was really good and didn't tell Daddy anything about it. It was too bad that Nebraska lost, but Iowa won so it wasn't a complete blow out today.

Also, last night somebody took our pumpkins that we bought last week and smashed them on the sidewalk. Mommy said that I better not do that when I get older and Daddy said that he hopes that I come up with something more original. I will have to give this some more thought I guess.

BTW, please remember to vote for which team I should be a fan of at the top right of my blog.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

10-25-07 Halloween party

Today I went to my first Halloween party at my buddy's house (Graham Kenworthy). It was a blast. I slept through a lot of the party, but when I was awake it was a lot of fun meeting new people. I think that we all looked pretty cute. I had my pumpkin costume on earlier than when this picture was taken, but I got a little warm in it so Mommy decided I should take it off.

10-25-07 Doctor appt today

Today, Mommy took me to a doctor appointment. Her and Daddy noticed that when I would eat, sometimes I looked like my tummy was a little upset. The doctor said that I might have a little acid reflux (what ever that is!). They gave me some medicine so hopefully that will help. I will let you all know.

10-25-07 Met my second girlfriend

Today I got to meet another one of my girlfriends. Her name is Coraline Etler. She is only two weeks old. Like my other date with Grace, Coraline slept most of the time we were together too, so I decided that I might as well take advantage of the time and get a little shut eye myself.

Monday, October 22, 2007

I'm a little pumpkin short and stout...

If I am not sitting in pumpkins, I am a pumpkin!

Friday, October 19, 2007

10-19-07 What's in this bottle?

Daddy wondered if I would sleep longer if he gave me this kind of bottle. I assured him that I would still only sleep 2 and a half hours at a time but that it was a good try!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

10-18-07 Uh Oh! Look what I got into!

I hope that Daddy didn't want to keep these in the original packages. They looked like they would be way too much fun to play with so I opened them. I will tell him later!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

10-17-07 Mastered the bottle

Who needs Mom and Dad? I can hold my own bottle!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

10-16-07 Big day today

Today, I was very busy. I had a lunch date today with Grace Walker. She was born on August 13. She is really cute and I had a good time, even though she slept through the entire lunch!! I wonder if this is how all of my dates will go??? Then, after lunch, I went over to Grace's house and we had our picture taken together.

Today, I also had my one-month doctor appointment. The doctor said that I looked great. In fact, I now weigh 10 pounds and 11.5 ounces. Mommy says that I am now a sack of potatoes! After my doctor appointment, Mommy and Daddy took me to Sears to have my first portraits taken. Boy, it is really hard to be such a star!

Monday, October 15, 2007

10-15-07 Me playing on the floor

10-15-07 One-month old today

Today, I am one-month old. This month has really gone quickly for me. I have met a lot of people. Today is also my first day at home alone with Mommy. If you remember, Daddy was home with me for the first three weeks and Grandma Dunn was here for two weeks too. Then, Grandma Johnson came to stay with me for a week. The house is really quiet today, that is for sure. I really appreciated everyone's help this last month. Mommy said that it has really made her adjustments a lot easier. That is good.

This weekend some of Mommy and Daddy's friends came to visit. Daddy and his buddies went to the Hawkeye/Illinois football game and Mommy went shopping with the girls. I hung out with Grandma Johnson. Yesterday after everybody left to go back home, I didn't want to sleep all day. In fact, I didn't go to sleep last night until around 1:00 am. Then I slept until 5:30. Boy was I hungry when I woke up. I usually get up every two hours and want food. Today, I am still feeling lazy after being so awake yesterday so I am sleeping a lot today.

Weight - 10.76 lb (76%)
Height - 22.28 in (78%)
Head Circumference - 15.39 in (70%)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

10-13-07 Hawk/Husker Fan

Confused? Yes! However, I don't think that this get-up will have a dramatic impact on my future well-being!

Friday, October 12, 2007

10-12-07 Mom went to work

Today Mom went to work for a while. It was weird not having her around. When she got home, she said that she thought about me the entire time that she was gone. Boy, that seems sad. All I thought about when she was gone was eating, sleeping, and the occasional poop!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Hawkeye fan with a smile

I am not smiling because of the Hawkeye score on Saturday, but I was happy anyway!

10-08-07 A pumpkin beside a pumpkin

This was taken at my neighbor's house after my Grandma Johnson, Mommy, and I took a walk outside today.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

10-07-07 Grandma Johnson is coming to visit and Daddy has to go back to work tomorrow

Today, Grandma Johnson is coming to visit and Daddy has to go back to work. Mommy and I are sad that he has to go back to work, but I will send him pictures of me throughout the day so he doesn't miss me too bad.

10-4-07 Happy as a pumpkin

Saturday, October 6, 2007

9-29-07 I met my Aunt Tiffany, Uncles Mitchell and Henry, and Cousin Caden

Today was another big day for me. My Grandpa Dunn, Uncle Mitchell, Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Henry, and cousin Caden traveled to Lincoln to meet me today. Boy, did we ever have a fun day. Everyone was really excited to meet me. It was a lot of fun. They had to go home at the end of the day, but I will see them all again very soon. Mom says that we are going to stay in touch with them through the web cam and by sending a lot of pictures.

9-28-07 I met my Great Grandma, Aunt Amber, and my cousins Skyler, Tierra, and Zander, and Grandpa Johnson

Today, I met a lot of people. I met my Great Grandma Schwartz, my Aunt Amber, and cousins Skyler, Tierra, and Zander. I think that Great Grandma was suprised to see me. She didn't know that I was coming to visit today. Aunt Amber was also happy to meet me and I think that Skyler, Tierra, and Zander are going to be fun to hang out with.

9-28-07 My first trip

Today, we traveled to Lincoln, Nebraska. That is where my Daddy grew up. I am going to meet a lot of new people while I am here. Mommy and Daddy are taking extra care to make sure that everyone that meets me washes their hands so that I don't get sick.

9-20-07 My first day home

Today, I finally made it to my new home. I got my picture taken in front of my house with my dad. I was very glad to get home. Mom and Dad have a lot to learn, but they are trying hard.

Friday, October 5, 2007

9-16-07 My IV

Today I had to get an IV in my hand. It hurt, but the nurses were very good. They said that it was going to make me feel better.

9-17-07 Grandma Johnson and Uncle Rusty came to see me too

Grandma Johnson and Uncle Rusty came to see me when I was two days old. Grandma Johnson cried when she met me. I think it was because she was happy. My mom says that Uncle Rusty is crazy. She says that he will try to teach me a lot of things, but I should verify it all with her. I wonder what she means by this?

9-15-07 Grandma and Grandpa Dunn came to see me

I met Grandma and Grandpa Dunn. They are going to spoil me I just know it!